«The materialistic and selfish quality of contemporary life is not inherent in the human condition. Much of what appears “natural” today dates from the 1980s: the obsession with wealth creation, the cult of privatization and the private sector, the growing disparities of rich and poor. And above all, the rhetoric that accompanies these: uncritical admiration for unfettered markets, disdain for the public sector, the delusion of endless growth. We cannot go on living like this. The little crash of 2008 was a reminder that unregulated capitalism is its own worst enemy: sooner or later it must fall prey to its own excesses and turn again to the state for rescue. But if we do no more than pick up the pieces and carry on as before, we can look forward to greater upheavals in years to come. (...) Poverty is an abstraction, even for the poor. But the symptoms of collective impoverishment are all about us. Broken highways, bankrupt cities, collapsing bridges, failed schools, the unemployed, the underpaid, and the uninsured: all suggest a collective failure of will. These shortcomings are so endemic that we no longer know how to talk about what is wrong, much less set about repairing it.»
Tony Judt: Ill Fares the Land, Penguin , 2010.
3 comentários:
Judt está cheio de razão no que afirma. Mais dissera e mais acertara.
Tony Judt é um grande historiador, acima de tudo é uma pessoa que saber ler muito bem o nosso tempo, sem se deter aos "faits divers".
E em 1980 havia um estrénuo culto do público, que tinha nascido em 1917.
As consequências foram pouco crescimento, sociedades boqueadas e sem liberdade, ditaduras políticas.
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